
Spirituality is the growth in knowing oneself, growth in knowing others, and growth in knowing God.  In this section of our web site we will explore practices and ideas to help you along your journey.  You are probably already aware of the practices of worship, bible study, and prayer.

Our broad goals are to teach you methods of understanding and discernment.  By no means are these the only methods of learning.  Please see our Education pages for more opportunities to engage with God and other groups.  But here you will learn about the things you are actively trying to seek, but don't know what to call them.

In this section of the web page we will teach you other methods that touch the soul as we grow in learning about ourselves, others and God.  Please browse the other Spirituality pages for more topics in spirituality.  Also if you want to get in touch with your own personal guide we suggest contacting the Nebraska synod who will put you in touch with a Spiritual Director.

These pages are under constant change so please check back from time to time for updates.