Jesus Blessed Them - October 6, 2024

Bible Study – Jesus Blessed Them

Share:  Your highs (something that made you happy) and lows (something that made you sad) this week with others around you or write them down.

During this “Ordinary Time” a time after Pentecost, we are nourished by the scriptures appointed for the season and empowered by our baptisms, we are invited to be on the lookout for all the blessings found in the ordinary – to see God at work here and now. And we are need to share our blessings with others.

The Pharisee in each of us wants to "get it right."  In the Gospel of Mark, Jesus is concerned that we "get it."  So Jesus takes the ordinary things of life, from washing hands to attending to a child, and meets us where we are and helps us to "get it," finding blessings in the ordinary.

The Pharisees continue to try to trap Jesus.  Divorce: “Is it lawful?” the Pharisees ask.  Jesus moves the question to higher ground.  Meanwhile, people were bringing their children to Jesus. The disciples still did not "get it" and were trying to turn the children away.  Jesus takes the children, lays his hands on them, and blesses them.  Do we "get it”?

There are several things going on in this passage.  Look for: 1) The Pharisees trying to trap Jesus, again.  2) Jesus answering a different question than they are asking.  3) And the disciples still not "getting it."


Opening Prayer: Thank you, Jesus, for loving all of us – adults and children. Help us to hear your word and come to know you more today.  Amen.


The Cultural Information on Divorce In the time of Moses, men received the right to divorce a wife. The law actually was a provision of mercy and justice so that a divorce was required rather than women unjustly being abandoned.  Divorce during Jesus’ time in a culturally mixed society was a controversial issue.  Through the years, the Mosaic law was interpreted in varying degrees of strictness – followers of some rabbis could divorce for any reason; followers of other rabbis could divorce only on the grounds of adultery.  Jesus, in verses 11-12 suggests equality for women.


Please open your Bibles to Mark 10:2-16 and read or read the scriptures below.

Mark 10:2-16

2 Some Pharisees came and tested him by asking, “Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife?”

3 “What did Moses command you?” he replied.

4 They said, “Moses permitted a man to write a certificate of divorce and send her away.”

5 “It was because your hearts were hard that Moses wrote you this law,” Jesus replied. 6 “But at the beginning of creation God ‘made them male and female.’[a] 7 ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife,[b] 8 and the two will become one flesh.’[c] So they are no longer two, but one flesh. 9 Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.”

10 When they were in the house again, the disciples asked Jesus about this. 11 He answered, “Anyone who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery against her. 12 And if she divorces her husband and marries another man, she commits adultery.”

The Little Children and Jesus

13 People were bringing little children to Jesus for him to place his hands on them, but the disciples rebuked them. 14 When Jesus saw this, he was indignant. He said to them, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. 15 Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” 16 And he took the children in his arms, placed his hands on them and blessed them.


Reflection Questions: (See answers at the bottom of the pages)

Reflection Questions: Mark 10:2-5

  • What is the trap the Pharisees think they are setting for Jesus?
  • What was the issue for the Pharisees? 
  • Instead of Jesus answering the Pharisees’ question, Jesus asks them a question (verse 3b). What do the Pharisee’s say? 
  • What truth does Jesus say about Moses’ law? 
  • How would you define "hardness of heart?"

Reflection Questions: Mark 10:6-12

  • What scripture passage is Jesus quoting here? 
  • Who are the characters mentioned in these verses? 
  • What is God’s role in marriage? 
  • What might be God’s role when a marriage breaks up?

Reflection Questions: Mark 10:13-16

  • What is it that the disciples are not "getting" here?
  • What was Jesus' response? 
  • What three things does Jesus tell his disciples in verse 14? 
  • What is it about children that Jesus means people need to be like to get them in the kingdom? 
  • What did Jesus do then to make sure the disciples "got it"?



 Click here for the young learner’s lesson.


Videos (Click on url)

Mark 10:2-16 Marriage & Divorce / Blessing of the Children:   or

Gospel of Mark Summary: A complete Animated Overview:

Song:  Jesus loves the little children –  or



In what ways does our church show children that they are part of the worship and mission of the church? (Do any of the children serve as acolytes? Do any of the children make a financial contribution to the church through mite boxes, envelopes, or other ways?)

What new things would you be willing to consider doing to increase their participation? (Can you agree to look for newcomers and greet them after church?  Could you take time to talk to a younger child that would look up to them or an older person who would be interested in a conversation with them?)

What might you be interested in taking on in the way of mission?  Would you like to investigate the ELCA Relief and Development, for example and to help provide food, water, or medicine? ( )

Are there other outreach projects our church provides that you could help with?  The Table? Life House?

If you identified an outreach project you want to do, we will help you decide how you will proceed.


Bible Dice:  Cut out heavy card stock paper and form into a box, color and write ideas from the Bible Story today.  Or if you have a small, white square box you can color, decorate and write ideas from the lesson today such as CHILDREN ARE WELCOME AT THE FEET OF JESUS, LET THE CHILDREN COME, JESUS LOVES THE CHILDREN, JESUS BLESSES THE CHILDREN, etc.  Enjoy rolling the Bible Dice and see what you wrote and colored.    


Let the Children Come - Crossword:

Let the Children Come - Word Search:

Jesus Loves the Little Children – Fill in the Blank:

Jesus Loves the Little Children – Decoder:

What God Has Joined – Maze:

What God Has Joined – Cryptogram:



Prayer: Thank you, Jesus, for assuring us that you love us just the way we are and for helping us grow up in your love.  Amen.   



Answers to the Reflection Questions:

Reflection Questions: Mark 10:2-5

  • What is the trap the Pharisees think they are setting for Jesus? (A ”yes” or ”no” response would provide a no-win situation for Jesus. They ultimately were trying to gather evidence that he was not who others said he was: the Messiah, the Christ.)
  • What was the issue for the Pharisees? (The issue was not divorce; it was to find out if Jesus knew Moses’ law, believed in it, and would teach it.)
  • Instead of Jesus answering the Pharisees’ question, Jesus asks them a question (verse 3b). What do the Pharisee’s say? (They answer their own question by telling what the Mosaic law said.)
  • What truth does Jesus say about Moses’ law? (The reason a law for divorce was needed was because of people’s “hardness of heart.”)
  • How would you define "hardness of heart?" (Some possible answers: being so sure we are right we are unwilling to listen to another point of view; or being sure we won't like a new kid in class so that we don't even give the kid a chance.)

Reflection Questions: Mark 10:6-12

  • What scripture passage is Jesus quoting here? (Genesis 2:24)
  • Who are the characters mentioned in these verses? (It mentions a man, father and mother, wife, God, and other persons.)
  • What is God’s role in marriage? (God is the connection that yearns to make them one.)
  • What might be God’s role when a marriage breaks up? (Accept the answers as they are given. Your comment might be that God loves everyone in the family and God yearns to be in relationship with everyone.)

Reflection Questions: Mark 10:13-16

  • What is it that the disciples are not "getting" here? (They are still chasing children away.)
  • What was Jesus' response? (He was indignant.)
  • What three things does Jesus tell his disciples in verse 14? (Let the children come to me; don't do anything to prevent their coming to me.; it is to people like these children that the kingdom of God belongs.)
  • What is it about children that Jesus means people need to be like to get them in the kingdom? (Some options could be: Not stuck in their ways, willing to try something new, wanting to be with Jesus.)
  • What did Jesus do then to make sure the disciples "got it"? (He took the children into his arms, put his hands on their heads, and blessed them.)