Surrender Box

Surrender Box

The surrender box is a tool to help you turn over to God something you are having trouble letting go of or something causing you anxiety or concern. Sometime we also find ourselves seeking the approval of others rather than trusting in God’s plan.

So the idea here is that you get a small box or bowl. When something is bothering you site quietly with the issue. Invite God’s presence with you as you explore the situation. Talk to God about what emotions you are facing and what obstacles lay before you. Explore what you might gain by letting go and what you might lose out on if you continue to retain it. Then after a while write your desire on a piece of paper. Place this in the box or bowl as your visual sign of letting it go and giving it to God.

Then spend some time in prayer asking for God’s help in letting go.

If you journal this would be a good thing to write about in your journal. Write about the emotions you have before, during and after. Check back in several days later to see if you have made any progress on letting this item go and to see if God presented a solution.